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Projects we have completed

Busy Professional Family

  • Kitchen - cleared and cleaned with utensil drawers emptied and re-arranged

  • New Kitchen equipment and crockery purchased

  • Disposal of unwanted

  • Knives sharpened at local butchers

  • Larder re-stocked and re-organised, shelves labelled

Moving a Family into their new home

  • Rationalise contents of house and decide what to take to new home

  • Facilitate quotations from removal companies

  • Working with removal company to safely pack contents ready for removal

  • Co-ordinate removal and delivery of possessions into new home

  • Unpack and arrange contents into pre-agreed rooms

  • Stock kitchen cupboards with essentials

  • Work with family to ensure that they are all happily settled into new environment

  • Ensure that mail is forwarded and utilities companies informed

Private Office in London

  • Mountains of newspapers and magazines cleared away​

  • Research materials archived

  • Filing systems put in place

  • Stationery cupboard organised, labelled and items replaced

  • Confidential papers files

  • Accounts prioritised and settled

Moving a Family into their new home

  • Supervise spring-cleaning with housekeeper

  • All cupboards emptied, cleaned and re-arranged, repairs organised

  • Twice yearly, children’s rooms organised with each child

  • Toys, books and clothes rationalised, with new items purchased as necessary

  • Husband and wife’s closets, sorted and arranged by season

  • All reviewed, unwanted items sold or donated to charity

  • Create memory boxes with each member of the family

  • Linen cupboard re-organised, shelves labelled

  • Rationalise collections; DVDs, books, CDs, china

  • Pre-Christmas, Christmas presents wrapped, prepared decorations

  • Office filing - bill paying

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